Francesca Moscheni

Francesca Moscheni
Whenever somebody asks her why she began, she quotes a great photographer, Eduard Boubat: "for the light", but also because she loves beauty and intimately longs for order, by straightening up lines here and there. In several years of activity, the way she looks at things has become her strongest point, even though she keeps losing all the time her house keys and her glasses. Since 1990 she has been instrumental in many personal and collective exhibits, exploring details as a metaphor of the whole. She contributes to several Italian and foreign magazines, such as Marie Claire Maison and Travel, Elle, Grazia, Vanity Fair, the Condè Nast group, NYTimes Magazine, Glamour France, Monocle. She alternates between actual heavy travel the world all over and ideal trips within the walls of her workroom. She portrays styles, objects and persons. A photographer throughout all her life, she enjoys cooking and eating foods from everywhere, but she keeps in good shape.
Represented by agent Carla Pozzi